On Aug. 11, 2012, thousands of union members will converge
on the streets of Philadelphia for the Workers Stand For America rally. Maybe
tens of thousands.
The rally's message to the Republican and Democratic parties: "We're not going away any time soon."
We’re hearing reports of hundreds of buses from across the country getting ready to roll tomorrow. They represent more than a dozen unions including, of course, Teamsters. Pennsylvania Teamsters have been especially vigorous in organizing the event.

A pre-rally rally tonight will kick off tomorrow's big assembly, with people signing the "Second Bill of Rights." It's short:
We the People want to strengthen our nation, as a beacon of equality, economic opportunity and freedom for all.
We hold these rights--a right to full employment and a living wage, full participation in the electoral process, a voice at work, quality education and a secure, healthy future--to be essential to our vision of America and believe that the principles contained therein should guide our government, business leaders, organizations and individuals in our common goal of a just and fair society.You can sign it here.
Tomorrow's rally will be broadcast live starting at 11 a.m. at www.workerstandingforamerica.com. Lucinda Williams will perform.
Be sure to take photos and post them on the Workers Stand for America Facebook page.
Be sure to take photos and post them on the Workers Stand for America Facebook page.