Friday, September 9, 2011

WA longshoremen keep right to picket

Longshore Shipping News tells us a judge today denied EGT's attempt to take away the Washington Longshoremen's right to picket:

Leal Sundet, Coast Committeeman for the ILWU Coast Longshore Division, said
Union members are pleased with the outcome even though they are smarting from false allegations of hostage-taking that were spread in the media throughout the day, an outright lie intended to discredit the union and its struggle for good jobs for the community...
EGT has employed a professional strike breaker and a labor provocateur to manufacture trouble during peaceful protest, but they can’t change the fact that longshore workers are simply wanting to go to work and do their jobs.
The Stand provides a good summary of what they're mad about:
...a taxpayer-subsidized international conglomerate, which is operating on public property, is suing the public so it can avoid paying the area’s standard wages and undercut its competitors that do. Then, it exacerbated tensions with the local labor community by importing union workers from another jurisdiction to cross the picket lines.