Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dave Hansen. Recall Election. Today.

Our Teamster brother Dave Hansen, the courageous state senator who left Wisconsin to prevent a vote on a bill to destroy government unions, is up for recall election today.

His opponent, David VanderLeest, led the signature drive to recall Hansen. VanderLeest should have been careful what he wished for. Not only is he likely to lose, but he's been exposed as a tax deadbeat who's been arrested for domestic abuse and accused of child abuse. He went on public radio last week and denied he smoked crack, giving rise to the nickname "Rocks VanderLeest." Now he's threatening to sue the Democrats for "false slander."

The whole world is watching.

From the tweetosphere today

Turnout heavy at my polling place in Howard in today's state senate recall election. People waiting in line. #wirecall #wipolitics:
Wisconsin voters head to polls for first general recall election. http://huff.to/ppc9t4 #wirecall
Calling family in the area now! #thedemsanyway MT @cr8f: Sen Hansen's district map http://tinyurl.com/43mugsz VOTE today #wirecall #WIunion
Wisconsin WOMEN VOTE! Team EMILY Meetup on Wednesday. http://bit.ly/pidTts #WIunion #WIrecall
Debbie Wasserman Schultz wearing Packer Green & Gold on MSNBC! Support for Dave Hansen! #flipthesenate #wirecall #wiunion