An estimated 16,000 protesters are right now marching, singing, cheering, tweeting and chanting inside and outside the Wisconsin Statehouse in a powerful show of opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's insane budget bill. The bill is being heard in a committee room where the thunderous roar of the crowd can be heard outside. The video above is just a taste of what's happening now. Link to this video here to get a better sense of the size and energy of this crowd.
We're following day two of the amazing protests in Wisconsin via twitter. We learned that inside the Rotunda, high school students led the crowd in the National Anthem.

Following that, according to a Twitter feed:
OFA_WI "This land was made for you and me" the crowd sings with an impromptu band of banjos and drums inside the capitol.#killthebill #wiunion
Outside, the crowd is enormous, estimated at 25,000, nearly double yesterday's. AFSCME President Gerald McEntee gave a rousing speech, followed by the crowd singing "We're not gonna take it." Firefighters, who are exempt from the budget's union-busting provisions, draw huge cheers whenever they show up.
Here's what the protesters are saying on Twitter:
@JacquelynGill More firefighters! And the crowd goes wild. #wiunion #notmyWI
@evale 72 Local businesses offering 10% discounts to teachers! #solidarity #notmyWI
@SeleneMSC Full hearing room. We can hear the thunderous roar of protesters in the rotunda! #notmyWI #WIunion
@KRISTINAKAY Egypt in Wisconsin USA Gov. Walker is unfair to 90% of Wis. Starting w/ teachers & #wiunion #notmywi Help us PlZ @cnnnow and @cnnlive
@SeleneMSC Protesters, chanting, fill the rotunda. #notmyWI #WIunion
@mahatmazombie "Wisconsin Taken Over by Working People " - #GovWalker #NotMyWI #SolidarityWI
@MNAFLCIO Measure to weaken union rights for most Wis. public employees draws boos at Minn. union rally #mn1u #1u #notmywi
@MelissaRyan The one thing I hope people not in Madison can comprehend is just how large the crowds are. Double yesterday's and growing. #notmyWI
@So Proud of my Sisters & Brothers on the Picket Lines & Barricades in #Egypt & #Wisconsin #notmyWI #SolidarityWI #WIgov #WIunion !!
@bluecheddar1 "JUST" a #Madison thing?NOPE. It's #WI: Fond du Lac Veterans Park tonight. 5:30 to 7 p.m. event #wiunion