Tuesday, April 5, 2011

VIDEO: Rock 'em, sock 'em pro-labor invocation (really)

Reverend Cletus Kiley gave a powerful invocation to the 2,000-plus attendees at an April 4th event in Washington, D.C. Kiley exhorted the crowd to speak up about the lies told by anti-worker forces, including the Koch Brothers:
First came the Wall Street gamblers who crippled our economy, gave themselves obscene bonuses and began the great lie that those to blame are labor unions and the middle class. This is a lie and we will not be silent about it.
Today they balance their budgets on the backs of the working class. Tax breaks go to the ultra wealthy. General Electric doesn’t even pay a dime. They say our unions have too much of a voice in political life, but pretend that we don’t see the hand of the Koch brothers and other billionaires underwriting their efforts. Something has gone terribly awry in the American house, but today we will not be silent about it.

We are America’s working people and we are one.
Watch this video.