Wednesday, April 27, 2011

China-basher Trump manufactures clothes in Chna

The law of statistical averages states that we will occasionally agree with Donald Trump. And we think he's right about China. Americans should be buying less crap from China and manufacturing more products here.

Trump even proposes a tax on China's products in a video promoting his presidential campaign.

But then The Donald has to go and ruin it all by getting his line of  Donald J. Trump Signature Collection clothing made in China.

Salon has the story:
Donald Trump has emerged in recent years as the nation's foremost China basher, going after the Asian superpower for undervaluing its currency and for taking American manufacturing and jobs. So it's at least ironic -- and at most an example of gross hypocrisy -- that Trump's own line of men's wear, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, is manufactured in China.
The writer checked out the Donald J. Trump haberdashery at Macy's in downtown Manhattan. Sure enough, on one of his $69.50 shirts, the label said, "Made in China."