Scott Walker's 'Waterloo': 19 Counties Flip To Democrats In Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Huffington Post ...if Kloppenburg wins, it would provide a huge boost to Democrats' efforts to recall GOP senators...
SB 5 supporters slow to organize Columbus Dispatch ...Those opposed to Senate Bill 5...have a political action committee, are gathering signatures and are identifying multimillion-dollar revenue streams to fund a referendum campaign this fall...
Greg Kesich: Looking at LePage era in the rearview mirror (opinion) Portland Press-Herald ...his days as the agenda-setter-in-chief are over, and cooler heads in the Legislature will be running the show from now on...
Detroiters speak out against Snyder proposals Detroit Free Press ...More than 300 people turned out for an S.O.S. -- Save Our Selves town hall... protesting legislation proposed by Gov. Rick Snyder...
About 150 turn out to debate right-to-work legislation Manchester Union-Leader ...opponents of the measure told the Senate Commerce Committee the bill is an attack on middle class workers...
Lawmaker pushes bill to end mandatory union dues Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ...Rep. Daryl Metcalfe says he's counting on a swell of grassroots support to help push his package of right-to-work bills higher on the Legislature's lengthy to-do list...
UPS aircraft mechanics approve new contract Atlanta Journal-Constitution ...More than four years after negotiations began, UPS aircraft mechanics have ratified a new contract that raises their pay retroactively and requires no contributions to health care costs...