I respect it because the reason we are doing this is to listen, and to be a good listener, we have to respect people’s views. I recognize that a lot more will have to be done to engage the public on TPPA.
A partnership of the unequal, of the strong to take advantage of the weak.
Growing pessimism, however, doesn’t seem to be stalling
efforts to move forward with finalizing the TPP. The 12 involved nations have set four deadlines for reaching a consensus on
eliminating tariffs and want to have a basic agreement in place by the end of
October. It is expected that bilateral negotiations will be wrapped up by Sept.
20. The next round of talks is set to begin Aug. 22 in Brunei.
The clock is ticking on this agreement. Workers across the
globe are waking up to the reality that this deal is a loser for them but a
major coup for corporations. Now it’s time to let elected officials know we are
onto the game.
Here in the U.S., we’ve seen this before with such deals as
NAFTA. No one is against trade, just unfair trade. It’s time to stop letting
big corporations ship our jobs overseas and dump our wages and benefits
overboard along the way.
The first step is to convince Congress that approving an
up-or-down vote on the TPP with no chance to alter the deal and limited debate
is a net loser. Lawmakers will likely take up the issue soon after returning to
Washington next month.