Brother Fred Crow in Columbus |
Rally Girl offers this report from Ohio, where the Legislature is poised to approve a radical anti-worker bill that would eliminate collective bargaining rights for government workers:
Ohio Gov. John Kasich gave a state of the state address yesterday in which he pledged big changes—but those listening to the former Wall Street banker could barely hear him. That’s because Teamsters from Local 957 and 436 joined nearly 5,000 union supporters in protesting Kasich and his address outside of the Statehouse in Columbus.
It was the first time in recent history that an Ohio governor’s state of the state speech was accompanied by protests. According to brother Fred Crow, a member of Local 436, chants were so loud they drowned out outdoor speakers broadcasting Kasich’s address. Crow said.
We didn’t want to hear that nonsense. The state of Ohio has never had this kind of governor. He’ll go down in history as the most anti-worker governor our state has ever seen.
Currently on the table in Ohio is legislation that would limit the rights of police officers, nurses, teachers, firefighters and other state employees to collectively bargain. The legislation is expected to pass, but Ohio law allows for a “citizens’ veto” to overturn it. Said Crow:
We’re all in this together. We’re all brothers and sisters. They’ve declared war and we’re fighting for our way of life.
Crow said a police officer from Toledo was among the protesters. He admitted he voted for Tea Party candidates in the midterm election.
He said ’90 percent of the police force voted Republican, but I can guarantee you in 2012 it will be two percent.'