Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Job-killer Mitt Romney trashes unions

Today in Lansing, Mich., Mitt "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" Romney bleated out a jaw-dropping comment that unions kill jobs.
Liberalism once taught that unions would ensure lasting prosperity for workers. Instead, they too often contributed to disappearing companies, disappearing industries, and disappearing jobs. But like many politicians of the past, the President takes his marching orders from union bosses, rails against right to work states, fights to win union elections by eliminating the right to vote by secret ballot, and even denies an American company the right to build a factory in the American state of its choice.
Isn't that charming? Need we remind you that it was Mitt Romney who killed good union jobs as the CEO of the vulture capitalist firm Bain Capital. He bought up healthy companies, closed their factories and sent their jobs to China, all the while yanking out cash from them as early and as often as he could. Then he stashed the money in a Swiss bank account so he wouldn't have to pay his fair share of taxes.

The nerve.

He delivered another howler yesterday in Ohio, when he told a radio interviewer he'd "take a lot of credit" for the revival of the U.S. auto industry. Really. Here are his exact words:
I'll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back.
Our good friend UAW President Bob King went ballistic, by way of The Hill:
...King said Tuesday that "none of this would have happened if Romney had been the one making the decisions. 

"Romney has been vocally opposed to the auto loans for the past three years," King said in a statement. "He criticized President Obama as recently as February 2012 in his opinion article in the Detroit News saying, 'The president tells us that without his intervention things in Detroit would be worse. I believe that without his intervention things there would be better.' But now he's claiming credit for President Obama's intervention to save the industry."