Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Your rights are being chipped away, state by state

Rally against the GA Legislature's attempt to take away 1st Amendment rights.
Full frontal assaults on unions have inspired such intense backlashes that anti-worker lawmakers are thinking twice before trying them in their own states. Instead, they're just chipping away slowly at the rights of us 99 percenters.

Direct attacks on unions didn't go so well for the Midwestern governors who tried them in the past year.  Dairyland Dictator Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's brazen attack on government workers resulted in his recall election. Corporate stooge Ohio Gov. John Kasich's SB5 law was crushed at the polls. And Liar Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels' passage of right-to-work-for-less has so angered union members that 55 of them are running for the state Legislature.

State Net notes that RTW4Less is failing to catch on in other states:
...while Republican lawmakers across the country have introduced right-to-work measures, similar success has been elusive.
Unfortunately, state politicians are launching les ambitious attacks on workers. Bit by bit, they're taking away your schools, your votes, your voice, your contract.

Here are some examples just from the past week:
  • Maine lawmakers will hold a work session on taking away workers' rights to negotiate a contract without government interference (aka right-to-work-for-less for government workers). Click here to help fight that battle.
  • Maine's Legislature has already taken away egg farm workers' rights to bargain collectively.
  • In Detroit, emergency financial managers want to abrogate union contracts.
  • Michigan's Legislature has taken away graduate teaching assistants' right to bargain collectively.
  • Missouri's Legislature tried to restrict voting rights through onerous ID requirements.
  • New Hampshire's Senate will hold a hearing on taking away workers' rights to negotiate a contract without government interference (aka right-to-work-for-less).
  • New Jersey lawmakers are considering a whole host of bills that would replace public education with corporate schools.
  • Pennsylvania enacted a bill to restrict voting rights through ID requirements.
You know they won't be satisfied with these small victories. They'll always want more.

What to do about it? Get educated, get involved and get out there!