Trucking industry abuse widespread, report says Crain's New York Business ...a report to be published today says transport companies routinely evade taxes by misclassifying workers to deny them the rights and obligations of full-time employees...
Torture Suits Against Companies Blocked by Top U.S. Court Bloomberg ...The U.S. Supreme Court limited the reach of a law that protects American citizens from torture in other countries, ruling that victims can sue only individuals, not organizations or corporations...
Why the U.S. Economy Is Biased Against Men The Atlantic ... surveys report that childless women under 30 make more than men. More than 90 percent of workplace deaths, military deaths, and severe workplace injuries (e.g., amputations, black lung disease) occur to men. Such dangerous work justify higher pay for men...
Debtor’s Prison for Failure to Pay for Your Own Trial Marginal Revolution ...Debtor’s prisons are supposed to be illegal in the United States but today poor people who fail to pay even small criminal justice fees are routinely being imprisoned. The problem has gotten worse recently because strapped states have dramatically increased the number of criminal justice fees...
BREAKING: REPORT SHOWS SCOTT WALKER EDUCATION CUTS FAR WORSE THAN EXPECTED Politiscoop ..This report, in totality, refutes distorted statements Walker himself has made about how his educational "reforms" are working.The alarming key findings of the report include proof that Walker’s cuts have caused: 73 percent of school districts in the state reported cutting teachers this year...
Teamster Waste Workers in Columbus, Buffalo Reach New Agreements With Republic Services IBT ...The agreements guarantee wage increases and health care and retirement protections over the next several years...