Kasich continues push to preserve union law Associated Press ...In opposition to the law and the governor's appearance, 35 protesters gathered outside of the convention center, holding up signs with messages such as "Where are the jobs, John Kasich?" and "Stop the War on Workers..."
Scott and State Republicans Are on The Wrong Track (opinion) The Ledger ...Gov. Rick Scott and the supermajority of Republicans in the state Senate and House of Representatives have done an atrocious job of increasing employment here in central Florida...
Rick Perry’s Record On Jobs Talking Points Memo ...Over his eight years as Texas’ farmer-in-chief, Perry oversaw a loan guarantee program with so many defaults that the state had to stop guaranteeing bank loans to startups in agribusiness and eventually bailed out the program with taxpayer money...
Lack of jobs leaves more suburban, middle class sliding into poverty Chicago Sun-Times ...nearly 193,000 people who’ve been added to the ranks of the poor in Illinois since the Great Recession began and among the nearly 440,000 that have been added since 1999, bringing the state total to 1.73 million, according to the latest 2010 Census data...
Screw the Big Banks and the Corporate Welfare Pony They Rode in on (opinion) Wauwatosa Patch ...We spent $5 BILLION tax-payer dollars bailing-out Citigroup and Bank of America and what have we gotten in return...
Survey: Fewer US companies expected to hire workers as pessimism settles in Associated Press ...Nearly 85 percent of economic experts surveyed expect the economy to grow at a meager 2 percent or less over the next 12 months, according to the National Association for Business Economists...