Mexico To Lift Tariffs On US Goods As Border Opens To Trucks Wall Street Journal ...We will continue our fight to keep our borders closed to unsafe Mexican trucks," union leader Jim Hoffa said in a statement. "After years of litigation, intense congressional oversight, overwhelming public opposition and an intense drug war raging in Mexico, it is a reckless move to allow Mexico unfettered access to our highways..."
Lech Walesa and Al Gore support Wall Street protests; Tea Party leader endorses bailed-out bank abuses The Hill ...One of history's great leaders for jobs, workers and freedom is now supporting the Occupy Wall Street protest...
Health Law to Be Revised by Ending a Program New York Times ...The Obama administration announced Friday that it was scrapping a long-term care insurance program created by the new health care law because it was too costly and would not work...
Northside woman in SB 5 ad spurs bill Cincinnati Enquirer ...Democrats, upset with what they think is a misappropriation of Cincinnati great-grandmother Marlene Quinn’s image, plan to introduce legislation to prevent the misuse of campaign material...
New South Battles Old Poverty as Right-to-Work Promises Fade Bloomberg ...South Carolina and other southern U.S. states topped the nation’s poverty rankings, a sign of trouble in the so-called New South known for its growth and ability to lure employers with laws restricting union organizing...
Breaking His Promise To Create 700K Jobs, Gov. Rick Scott Now Says ‘I Don’t Have To Create Any Jobs’ ThinkProgress ...Scott recently bragged about laying off 15,000 government workers, while deep education cuts will cost many teachers and school employees their jobs...