Union goon.
CNN.com right now features a photo of one of our brothers from local 695 being dragged out of the Capitol. Teamsters and others went into the Rotunda in an effort to get into the Assembly chambers. Members of the Assembly were preparing to vote to strip government workers of their collective bargaining rights. CNN reports:
Protesters have swarmed the Wisconsin Capitol, pounding on windows to protest a bill that curbs union rights. Police have now closed the building.
Rally girl reports:
Protestors are chanting everything from “let us in!” to “kill the bill” to “this is what democracy looks like!”
She has been in touch with a woman named Julie, who is live streaming inside the Capitol.
Julie has been inside the capitol for hours on end and is reporting to viewers what the media is not: the fact that demonstrations remain peaceful, upbeat, and energetic. Julie’s live feed can be found here: www.livestream.com/insidethewicapitol
Brother Steve Nelson sent us this photo of the students. |
Outside, thousands of protestors continue to gather, including students from local high schools—Madison East and Madison West—who up and left their classrooms to join the growing protests.
Last night, after the Senate voted to destroy the middle class, Assembly Democrats collected witness statements, complete with names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, which they will use to make a case that the vote was illegal.