(Note: TeamsterNation will be publishing on a limited schedule for the next week. Today's Teamster News will appear in abbreviated form through Dec. 24 and cease publication through Dec. 30. Our full publishing schedule will resume on Jan. 2. Have a great holiday!)
Economists: Income gap holding back economy Associated Press ...The growing gap between the richest Americans and everyone else isn't bad just for individuals. It's hurting the U.S. economy...
Pension cut angers vets Dayton Daily News ...Military coalition groups have cried foul over a 1 percent reduction in military pensions that will hit working age retirees in 2015 under a two-year congressional budget deal...
WikiLeaks reveals why Asia should skip Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact (opinion) Bloomberg ...The draft of the intellectual-property rights chapter by Julian Assange’s outfit validated the worst fears — that TPP is a corporatist power grab. Rather than heed the outcry, the U.S. doubled down on secrecy, refusing to disclose more details...
All-Cash Home Sales Hit Record 42% of Sales Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis ...All-cash purchases accounted for 42% of all sales of residential property in November 2013, up from 39% during the previous month...
Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer Reuters ...As a key part of a campaign to embed encryption software that it could crack into widely used computer products, the U.S. National Security Agency arranged a secret $10 million contract with RSA, one of the most influential firms in the computer security industry, Reuters has learned...
Jobs Growth Sluggish In Wisconsin Compared To Neighbors, Nation Wisconsin Public Radio ...the idea was that policy changes that Governor Walker proposed would change that trend,” says Johnston. “And from what I can see it hasn't had any effect at all. Wisconsin continues to lag the nation in terms of both job growth and income growth...