Monday, September 3, 2012

This long weekend was brought to you by the blood, sweat and tears of the labor movement

An outpouring of pride in the labor movement is showing up on our social networks today. We thought we'd share some with you.

Dave Lott posted this on the Teamsters Facebook page:
This Labor Day is brought to you by your Labor Unions who have fought for workers rights since the birth of our nation. Better wages, safer work environment, the 40 hour work week, health benefits, time built into your schedule for breaks and lunches, pensions and a holiday off once in a while. These didn't always exist but are benefits that were long fought for by union leaders. There are now those that seek to set us back, to take away our rights to unite and bargain for our benefits. In this election year, play close attention to the politicians running for public office - where do they stand on the rights of workers to unite and bargain? Vote accordingly.
And we received this on a list serve from our union brother Matt Murray in New Hampshire:

For me, Labor Day is a time to commemorate the sacrifices and contributions of America’s workers.  Our country’s history has been shaped by the men and women who work for a living.  We are what makes America great, and Monday is our day. 
This could not be more true after the roller coaster year we have had.  In New Hampshire we successfully fought back against Right to Work for Less and the attacks on our collective bargaining rights.  The Legislature tried to silence our voice and in turn made us stronger in our solidarity. 
On Labor Day, we celebrate the great strides we have made over the last century. Today, every American has the right to a quality education, the right to organize or a join a union, and the chance to retire with security for a healthy future.   For generations, these basic rights brought millions of families out of poverty into the middle class.  These rights helped to fight back against segregation and nepotism – because it does not matter who does the work, all workers are entitled to the same wages.
Happy Labor Day, brothers and sisters!