Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Scott Walker wishes union refs officiated at last night's game

Whoa! The NFL replacement referees blew the Green Bay Packers game last night so badly they're turning job-killer Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker into a union supporter.

Dave Jamison at the Huffington Post writes
Once NFL owners have lost Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), perhaps it's safe to say they've lost the nation. 
After Walker's Green Bay Packers suffered a devastating loss on a controversial last-second play Monday night, the governor whom labor activists consider the most anti-union in the nation took to Twitter on Tuesday morning to call for an end to the lockout of the league's unionized referees. 
Walker's brief plea echoed the tweets of thousands of other exasperated fans over the preceding weeks. "After catching a few hours of sleep, the #Packers game is still just as painful," he wrote. The governor, who last year championed a law that stripped most public-sector workers of their collective-bargaining rights, ended his tweet with the hashtag "#Returntherealrefs."
Writes Marcy Wheeler at empty wheel,
The entire country has discovered that unions do more than just inconvenience them. They ensure that experienced workers are not prevented by greedy profit-seekers from placing safe quality work over profit.
You betcha.