Saturday, August 4, 2012

Remembering the UPS strike, 08.04.97

We got a little respect after that.
Today our friends Sarah Springer and Working Class Heroes posted images of the 1997 UPS strike on their Facebook pages. It happened 15 years ago today. We shared an image of the strike and asked people to share their memories.

Working Class Heroes posted:
185,000 Teamsters begin what is to become a successful 15-day strike at United Parcel Service over excessive use of part-timers - 1997
"The faces of the strikers were often mothers deciding whether they could afford Fruit Loops on their strike pay and everyone will be cheering that that mother or other struggling families will now have a pay increase and a shot at converting two or three part-time jobs into a solid full-time job at UPS." - from
Here are some memories:
Lori Murphy Ha! I was one of the teamsters on strike holding picket signs by the UPS airport facility by DIA in Denver! During that time I was the mother of 3 school-aged children, a full time student, and one of the part time workers at UPS, and I stood in support of my fellow workers for better pay and the chance of workers being able to achieve their livelihood by having a greater possibility of working full-time at UPS. 
Mike Barnes I brought donuts and coffee to the pickets on my way to work.
Jim Bryant I was a freight driver and brought water and donuts by to the line here in Sparks, NV a couple of times. 
Paul Thornburg Best thing we ever did. Got a little respect over that 2 weeks 
George Corneliusson Remember the strong picket line of local 671 , we had solidarity as those of us in freight were on the line, and yes in Ct. our elected officials stood with labor. 
Luciano Torres Thats The year I was hired, then few months later was on the picket line with my new brothers/sisters . Commerce City, Co  
Julie Mehan CWA in Albuquerque was organizing at the TV station I was working at then. The management threatened a lockout, and Teamsters on strike at UPS at that time came to support us. Go Teamsters! 
Lori Slaven DAMN!! I was part of that strike and i didn't even remember the date!
Those were some scary times back then, watching someone else drive out of the building to run your route as you stood there with no paycheck coming in. But we stuck it out, and everything worked out well in the end, we won a pretty decent contract as a result. 
Roger Satterfield Remember it well.last best and final offer!