Oakland port workers stay home as protesters rally San Francisco Chronicle ...Despite calls to desist from Oakland politicians and union officials, Occupy protesters succeeded Monday night in shutting down operations at the Port of Oakland for the second time in less than two months...
No Draghi Ex Machina New York Times ...So last week European leaders announced a plan that, on the face of it, was pure nonsense...
Long-term jobless eye bleak future as benefits end Reuters ...nearly 7 million Americans (are) receiving jobless benefits under seven different state and federal programs. Around a quarter of those will fall off the rolls in January if Congress does not renew an extended benefits program that expires at year end...
NPR Reports that Debtors' Prisons Are Alive and Well Credit Slips ...Illinois debtor Robin Sanders in Illinois ... was stopped by police for a loud muffler but taken directly to jail on an arrest warrant for failure to appear at a hearing on an unpaid medical bill, all in a lawsuit she was unaware of...
Walker Announces Tax Credits to Assist Company That Hopes to Create “at least 3 new jobs” blue cheddar ...Scott Walker today announced that WEDC, a public/private corporation created by Walker to hand out taxpayer money to private companies, has approved two tax credits for investors in a company called OnScreenBrands, Inc., of Milwaukee. According to an announcement on the WEDC web site: “OnScreenBrands has projected creating at least three new jobs in Milwaukee over the next three years...”
Radio ad: 'Liu wants to give Wall Street bankers your money' Capital New York ...Teamsters Local 237 President Gregory Floyd, who is one of many people considering running for mayor, is out with a radio commercial criticizing Comptroller John Liu's plan to merge the management of five city pensions...