Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Occupy Oakland: When you say 'Logistics,' we say 'Teamsters'

Proper attire for a giant labor cookout at Occupy Oakland today.
When Bay Area unions agreed to host a barbecue on Frank Ogawa Plaza for Oakland's day of solidarity action, the question was immediately asked: "How are we going to do this logistically?"

Logistics? Logistics? That's what we Teamsters do!

Joint Council 7 shop stewards and members met at Costco today to pick up supplies for the giant labor cookout. Teamsters at that store are members of Local 853, where International Vice President Rome Aloise is secretary-treasurer. The Teamsters Action Team also bought a thousand hot dogs and sausages (another union is handling the veggie patties).

Local 856 organizers Murphy and Ed help purchase supplies at Costco.
They loaded water and other supplies onto the Teamster truck.

Local 853 member Kelly Mendez loading water onto the truck.
And headed out toward Oakland. We've just learned the truck has entered Oakland.

Welcome to Oakland.
Wish we could be there! Stay tuned. We'll keep you posted.