Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recall Walker Rally video

(UPDATES to correct that there were three Teamster semis on the square.)

Thanks to blue cheddar for the montage video showing highlights of yesterday's rally to recall Koch whore Gov. Scott Walker.

We'll let blue cheddar tell you what's in the video:
You’ll see the Solidarity Sing Along singers, avid recall volunteer Roberta Retrum from Eagle River, and the rotunda full of people. Roberta’s had great success in the hometown of Tea Party leader Kim Simac despite occasional hassles. There’s also a bit of footage of an impromptu sing of “Solidarity Forever” in the street and a shout-down of some Walker supporters who were hovering around the fringes of our event.
Watch more of blue cheddar's "Recall Walker" videos here.

Off camera, two three Teamsters semis were parked on the square as Teamsters collected cans of food (advancing the "Can Walker" theme) for needy families.

At least 105,000 signatures have been collected since Nov. 15. That's a great start toward the 540,000 needed by Jan. 17 to put the recall on the ballot.