Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sign the petition: Hands off Social Security!

The Teamsters are part of the Strengthen Social Security coalition working to prevent cuts to the most popular, successful and effective programs. We want to make sure President Obama doesn't even mention cutting Social Security to fix the deficit in his speech on Sept. 8. The coalition created an online petition to prevent that from happening. Here's what the petition says:
Mr. President,
Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are the foundations of our economic security. I am counting on you to spare them from cuts as you and the Super Committee debate ways to reduce the federal deficit. Social Security does not contribute a penny to the deficit. Its benefits should not be cut, including reducing the Social Security COLA. Medicare is a sacred trust. Medicaid is crucial for seniors, women, children and people with disabilities. Please stand strong with working families.
Sign the petition here.