Photo by Juan-Carlos Hernandez. |
A friend of TeamsterNation stopped by the Occupy Wall Street encampment today. Here's his report:
Camped out in the shadows of the World Trade Center site, several hundred people continue to hold what they call "democratic space" in the fourth day of their Occupy Wall Street protest.
Carrying signs with such slogans as, "Revoke Corporate Personhood," "How Do We End the Deficit? Tax the Rich!," and, "Do You Feel the Trickle Yet?," the protestors have caused the NYPD to shut-down all public space surrounding the Stock Exchange located several blocks away from their encampment.
Their actions beg the question, is the corporate chokehold so weak that police-state tactics must be used against several hundred 20-somethings to maintain it?
Juan-Carlos Hernandez's work can be seen at