Teamsters rally to fight Pa. right-to-work bill Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ...A Teamsters rally today drew almost 400 laborers to the Capitol, where union leaders promised to bring thousands next time if lawmakers push through anti-worker legislation...
Inquiry needed (opinion) Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ...A full explanation into what happened with the vote tally in Waukesha County is required...
Unions gear up for Ohio fight Akron Beacon Journal ...Senate Bill 5 foes prepare to collect a half-million signatures for November referendum that would strike down new law...
Battle brews over who speaks for Florida firefighters, police officers and teachers ...Florida Chamber of Commerce recently released a 30-second television ad supporting legislation that would end automatic payroll deductions of union dues for government workers, and would require written authorization by union members for their dues to be used for any political activities...
Rick Snyder recap: Latest developments on the pension tax, job growth, and film incentives ...Debate flares up on whether Snyder’s tax and budget plans will create jobs...
The Drought Is Over (At Least for CEOs) New York Times ...C.E.O.’s in finance, technology, energy and beyond are pulling down multimillion-dollar paychecks. What many of these executives aren’t doing, however, is hiring...
Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System (opinion) ...A nation that destroys its systems of education, degrades its public information, guts its public libraries and turns its airwaves into vehicles for cheap, mindless amusement becomes deaf, dumb and blind...