Monday, April 11, 2011

Pregnant, homeless mom sent to live in woods in KY

Gary Hart, the former U.S. senator, asked today whether we are a society or a collection of individuals occupying the same geographical space. Hart writes,
Though virtually all mature democracies have basically resolved this question decades ago, the people of the United States seem unable to do so. Many Americans continue to believe we can have the public services a very large majority wants without paying very much for them.
Paducah, Ky., is apparently a collection of individuals. There, homeless families are sent to live in tents in the woods. WPSD reports: 
With so many in need, and an increasing number of families homeless, there's just not enough room at area shelters. It's so bad, the Salvation Army has had to send families, one with three kids and a baby on the way, to live in the woods...The River City Mission is the only local shelter accepting families but the couple must be married and most of the time, the family section of the mission is full.

That's why the Salvation Army sends some families off with a tent and directions to "Tent City"...The Salvation Army said Tent City is not appropriate housing but the problem remains. More and more families are homeless, space is limited for families and they're left with no options.