Unsafe workplaces are tolerated in Vietnam. So are poverty
wages, human trafficking, child labor and violent suppression of workers’
rights. These are unacceptable in the United States and should be globally. At
the very least they are conditions that should not be encouraged.

It is imperative that Mr. Froman ensure that Vietnam is in compliance with basic labor, environmental and human rights standards before the two sides move forward with Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. We have seen the tragedy that results due to lax enforcement of labor standards and human rights in Bangladesh – we cannot enter into a trade agreement with a country that shows the same disregard for workers safety and human rights.
Others condemn what is going on in Vietnam. Rep. George
Miller sent a letter to Froman today questioning whether Vietnam is following existing labor standards given the findings detailed in the
report. He said the U.S. must be a leader when it comes to enforcing labor obligations:
As the Administration moves aggressively to complete TPP negotiations this year, we would be interested in your assessment as to whether a country such as Vietnam would have the ability to comply with obligations under the labor chapter of the TPP on a future date after the agreement is signed.