Durbin Outlines Democratic Approach on Grand Bargain firedoglake ...Durbin took Social Security almost entirely off the table...And he sought to line up with the Administration’s viewpoint that any changes to Medicare and Medicaid can happen without cuts to benefits, through payment reforms or provider cuts...
9 Greedy CEOs Trying to Shred the Safety Net While Pigging Out on Corporate Welfare Alternet ...A gang of brazen CEOs has joined forces to promote economically disastrous and socially irresponsible austerity policies. Many of those same CEOs were bailed out by the American taxpayer after a Wall Street-driven financial crash. Instead of a thank-you, they are showing their appreciation in the form of a coordinated effort to rob Americans of hard-earned retirements, decent medical care and relief for the poorest...
Highway Grants: Roads to Prosperity? Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Letter ...each dollar of federal highway grants received by a state raises that state’s annual economic output by at least two dollars, a relatively large multiplier...
Michigan Chamber of Commerce says no to "right-to-work" youtube ...Rich Studley, Michigan Chamber of Commerce: "The Governor doesn't support right to work, at the Michigan Chamber, we don't support right to work..."
Phil Power: Legislature poised to act on Right to Work MLive.com ...A bunch of Republican heavyweights, mostly business types from the west side of the state, are fiercely lobbying legislators to take quick advantage of big GOP majorities in both the House and Senate and pass it once and for all. Other Republican lawmakers -- those who have to face future elections -- are squirming. If they vote “yes,” they most certainly will be the objects of fierce opposition from Democrats and their allies in organized labor come election time. If they vote “no,” they almost certainly will face opposition in primary elections in 2014...
Obama quietly signs bill shielding airlines from carbon fees in Europe The Hill ...Environmentalists had framed the bill as the first test of the president's commitment to fighting climate change in his second term and urged him to veto it. Obama quietly signed it Tuesday over their objections...
Walmart Paved the Way for Poverty Wages The Nation ...Walmart is not only slashing prices on flat-screen TVs—they’re suppressing wages and costing tax payers millions of dollars...
Teamsters President James Hoffa: Go Off Fiscal Cliff If Necessary Real Clear Politics ...We won the election, and now we have to stand tall to make sure to protect the safety net, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid...