Thursday, October 11, 2012

Support striking Wal-Mart workers

We just received this message from Kim Bobo, executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice. We'll just pass it along to you:
This week, workers from 12 different states walked off the job and joined allies in protest of Walmart's poor wages and working conditions at the company's headquarters in Bentonville, Ark. 
Walmart workers are promising more actions and walkouts on Black Friday (the busiest shopping day of the year) calling on the company to stop retaliating against workers for speaking out and demanding respect. People of faith promise to support workers and hold solidarity actions at Walmart stores across the country. 
Click here to help organize or join an action at a Walmart near you! 
Right now, IWJ supporters and affiliates are preparing solidarity actions supporting the workers on Black Friday: bringing delegations to deliver a letter to a store manager, hosting a prayer vigil outside, or organizing a flash mob inside the store! 
Click here to join IWJ affiliates leading flash mobs and prayer vigils at local Walmart stores.