The Obligatory Economic Predictions for 2012 Economic Populist ...We have nothing coming down the pike to give us that push to strong growth. Not a manufacturing policy, a hire Americans policy, an increase wages policy, a confrontation of bad trade deals agenda...
The $18 Trillion Threat Of The Unregulated Shadow Banking System Forbes ...When you add together the assets in hedge funds, ETFs, money market mutual funds, sovereign wealth funds and family investment offices(think Soros) the total amount of assets that are subject to oversight and regulation appears to be $18 trillion, down from $25 trillion before the 2008 meltdown...
Fewer young, but more elderly, have driver’s license The University Record ...“It is possible that the availability of virtual contact through electronic means reduces the need for actual contact among young people,” says Michael Sivak, research professor at the U-M Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)...
And the “winner” of the worst footnote of 2011 is… ...Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and its former CEO, Léo Apotheker ... managed to get paid very handsomely for failing so spectacularly. Exactly how much Apotheker made ... is subject to a bit of interpretation... Various estimates we’ve seen pin it at somewhere between $25 million and $33 million... during Apotheker’s 11-month stint, HP stock declined by more than 40%...
US says Egypt agrees to stop raids on democracy groups BBC ...the US reacted sharply to the move, condemning it as an attack on democratic values and hinting that it could review the $1.3bn (£0.84bn) in annual US military aid to Cairo if such incidents continued...
Right-to-work legislation likely to dominate session Post-Tribune ...Debate on whether Indiana will become the 23rd right-to-work state will likely dominate the Indiana General Assembly session that starts Wednesday...