Friday, June 24, 2011

Today's Teamster News 06.24.11

N.J. Assembly passes landmark employee benefits overhaul   ...New Jersey lawmakers tonight voted to enact a sweeping plan to cut public worker benefits after a long day of high-pitched political drama in the streets of Trenton and behind closed doors...
Effects of the Biennial Budget and Budget Repair Bills for Working Families  Wisconsin Council on Children and Families   ...Earned Income Tax Credit -- $56 Million Tax Increase for 152,000 Working Families...
Unemployment up in most Wisconsin cities  LaCrosse Tribune   ...A report from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development released today shows that unemployment rates increased in 25 cities with a population of 25,000 people or more...
Husted says Kasich's divide and conquer is a no go  Columbus Dispatch   ...Secretary of State Jon Husted's office issued a statement this morning that the Ohio Ballot Board could not split a referendum into multiple issues - which could throw a wrench into Gov. John Kasich and his allies' plans to defend Senate Bill 5...
The Indiana Exception? Yes, but...  New York Times   ...Hundreds of thousands of Indiana residents are unemployed and underemployed...a striking number of people here...have simply left the work force altogether since the dawn of the recession...
Bills Would Cap Public Employer Health Insurance Contributions   ...Font Size: The Republican-led Michigan Legislature continued its efforts Thursday toward requiring many public employees to pay more of their own health insurance costs...Critics consider it an attack on collective bargaining rights...
Union fights freeze on longevity pay for R.I. state workers   ...Flyers popping up all over the State House urge workers to call their local legislators and "ask them to oppose proposals that take away our ability to negotiate longevity and retiree medical benefits.''...