Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today's Teamster News 05.18.11

Scott Walker Quietly Consolidating Power In Wisconsin  Huffington Post   ..."This is the most massive turn toward privatization of public services in not only the history of the state of Wisconsin, but possibly across the country..."
Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?  Forbes   ...The answer appears to be no for companies big and small...
The Need for Greed (opinion)  New York Times   ...For Republicans intent on killing Medicare, it was a monumental miscalculation to miss that logical leap...
Deal Struck, No Layoffs At Solon Sewer Plant  Solon Patch   ...Solon officials have a tentative agreement with Teamsters Local 436 that would prevent layoffs at the sewer plant until the end of 2012...
North Las Vegas slashes budget, judges warn 'crime will go up'  (Local 14)   ...Teamsters are once again taking the biggest cuts, losing 154 positions in areas like parks and public works...
U.S. Infrastructure Crumbling, Nation Falling Behind Developing Countries  AFL-CIO Now Blog   ...Despite the nation’s unemployment woes, the vast job-creation potential of infrastructure projects is being sidetracked by concerns about government spending appetites and potential cost overruns...